And the best April I've ever had ends with a new TGA single. It's a get-up-and-go song, but ever bittersweet. Guitar solo rules. Brian Fallon sounds amazing. Feels like "Drive" a little bit. This is one of my most anticipated albums of the year, and if "45" is any hint, it's going to be the perfect summer record, and it's going to drive stakes through my heart in all the right places.
I'm in Austin, Texas today. It's wonderful here, in a tattooed calves and tan pavement way. The air is hot and heavy and full, the people on the streets are a varied bunch who look like lots of fun.
Today feels like a day I've earned. Tomorrow, I get to learn. Next week, I get to try.
Here's to the future.
"There you go. Turn the key and engine over.
Let her go. Let somebody else lay at her feet."
The Gaslight Anthem, Handwritten