Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So I've had a Sigur Ros obsession the past 24 hours or so. It's been working out really well. I stumbled across the album "Takk..." iniTunes and boy am i glad i did. Their music can be absolutely stunning and epic, just shimmering and alive. What more could you ask for? Well, maybe lyrics in English, if that's your thing. But honestly, I enjoy not understanding the words and just absorbing the parts and sounds. I like making it about what I want it to be about.

Anyway, I really got attached to the album in no time, and then did some snooping around. I came across this video for one of my favorite tracks off of "Takk..." called "Hoppipolla" (Icelandic for "jumping into puddles). The song was also used for a lot of movie trailers and such.

Even if you don't like Sigur Ros, watch it!

I think the reason this struck me so much is how simplistic it makes loving your life seem. It's easy to get wrapped up in school, work, relationships, whatever, to the point of no return....I love how this is about playtime. It's so important to remember to laugh and play and breathe and just be for awhile....

Sigur Ros clearly owns.