Sunday, August 15, 2010


You know why I think I like love songs? It's sometimes terrifying to write something so dangerously true. And I think that's why I have so much respect for those who do them well. Hence the blog. As I said initially, I'm just figuring this out as I go. I haven't been able to write as much about here lately (and I've been forum-hopping). But I've been listening to them all the time.

I drive about 8 hours a week. I've managed to scrounge up an old iPod shuffle, like, the long skinny kind, which holds about 70 songs, so I here the same over and over a lot.
It winds up being a lot of love songs,
given that's what, oh, 80 percent of songs are about.
The National's been good. So has The Gaslight Anthem, and the new Taylor Swift and select Fearless tracks. Can't wait for the new Jimmy Eat World, and there's a bunch of other stuff I still need to pick up.
I pretty much always stop when the Lovedrug EPs come on, I just like them so damn much and they're so good. Thinking of road tripping to see them throughout the year.

And I listen to a lot of the radio, which is pleasing more often than you'd think, if you set the right stations.

I think about my truest feelings, and I wonder if I say them. I think, the best songs do. So, props to those who do it well. Even if they never hear it, maybe someone will. Maybe they'll like it.