Growing obsession with Vendetta Red's "Sisters of the Red Death." Listen to it if you want violence, gore and nightmare intertwined with pop chords. Really powerful album, really intense storyline and sounds soooo good loud. It's an "annihilate-my-inner-thoughts" kind of good. Wish I could've seen them play.
I love that they're only disturbing if you listen closely. On the surface they sound like pop punk emo indie alternative blahblahblahgenregenregenre. You know. They sound like a band. But the lyrics and the story are nothing less than brutal. The difference just slaps me upside the head, I love hearing it.
Sister insomnia
my eyes weep worms for you.
Angel anathema,
I'll drink your blood.
The blood you shed for me
was all you gave to me.
My bold bulimic belly dancer,
narcissistic necromancer.
Run, just run from me.
As day consumes the night
the earth shall cover me.
Medussa Madonna,
murder me, marry me.
Under your vapid vulture wings,
I'll suckle your black milk
and let it trickle down my tongue.
Your womb mouth kiss could kill.
The blood you shed for me
was all you gave to me.
My cold canary causing cancer,
narcissistic necromancer.
Run, just run from me.
This time all riots, I'm ready.
This time all riots, I'm ready to go.
--Vendetta Red, The Body and The Blood
Sisters of the Red Death