Somewhere on the Internet, you'll find the music of SpeakEasy. This album has meant so much to me in the past few months, it seems only right to share it on the (so-called) songwriting blog that I (so-called) run.
Soundtracking my days and nights in New York more than anything else, 'EndInSight' has become synonymous with my personal peaks and falls throughout 2009. It's consistently reminded me that no matter how hard the fall, there's always one last punch to pull.
I first heard this unbelievably advanced debut record being played in a garage a little less than a year ago. It's amazing to me that it's come this far, and it's definitely worth spreading the word about.
Dramatic, melodic, fun, powerful, DOUBLE-TIME!, and so many other qualities make Speakeasy a truly original attempt in today's copycat playground of a music industry. So bite your lip, press play and listen to something real for a change. Come on now. Listen!!! You'll see what I mean.
Cherish all those things you know,
There's no other way but down
-Phony, Speakeasy