Monday, November 17, 2008


Fave placebo song, I think...really beautiful.

(That photograph isn't doing it for me, though.)

Time to pass you to the test.
Hanging on my lover's breath,
Always coming second best,
Pictures of my lover's chest.

Get through this night, there are no second chances.
This time I might
To ask the sea for answers.

Always falling to the floor,
Softer than it was before.
Dog boy - media whore,
It's who the hell you take me for.

Give up this fight, there are no second chances.
This time I might
To ask the sea for answers.

These bonds are shackle free,
Wrapped in lust and lunacy.
Tiny touch of jealousy,
These bonds are shackle free.

Get through this night, there are no second chances.
This time I might.
To ask the sea for answers.
These bonds are shackle free
These bonds are shackle free
These bonds are shackle free
These bonds are shackle free

Get through this, there are no second chances.
This time. To ask the sea for answers.

--Placebo, Ask for Answers
Without You I'm Nothing


You know what i hate?

Lyrics Web sites.
Fuck them.

They all fucking suck.

SongMeanings is the only one that doesn't make me feel like I'm being screamed at by ADS!!! BOOBS OF CELEBRITIES!!!! FLASHING COLORS!!!!!! and it takes me forever to find the damn things. Then when you get to the text it's like tiny white-on-black Verdana.

But the reason SongMeanings sucks is because i always end up wasting a shitton of time reading through the emo blog posts, and then I feel like a voyeur of 16 year old kids who all seem to want to slit their wrists (or fuck the girl from math class who just did the same), but not before imparting their wisdoms onto the anonymity-granting comment forums literally littering the Internet. Fuck comment forums.

AZLyrics is the best site I can find otherwise (at least, it's the one i've been using the longest) and their selection often bites, or takes you elsewhere on the Internet.

It is so addicting though, the SongMeanings post things. Everyone's name is a song or something, "poisonhearts," "thequietthings666," "or whatever. Gaggaggag, laughlaughlaugh, readreadread.

So finding song lyrics is a horrible process. That's all. Please....someone out there MUST sympathize with this. How come we've never talked about this?! It's been pissing me off for years! Feels so good to say something.

Also, watch this, because SpeakEasy/Makeshift kicks ass and because Eddie Munster is an asshole:
Music Fan Fest 2008