Friday, January 6, 2012


"Among other things, you’ll find that you’re not the first person to be confused, frightened, even sickened, by human behaviour. You’re, by no means, alone on that score. Many men have been just as troubled, morally & spiritually, as you are right now. Some of them kept records of their troubles; you’ll learn from them, if you want to. Just as someday, when you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It’s a beautiful reciprocal arrangement & it isn’t education. It is history; poetry.” - JD Salinger, Catcher In The Rye


The musicianship in this room is, like, 678,489 to the third power of awesome. I love the moments when you get them pointing and motioning to each other, sneaking in corrections between lines. And the subtle smiles that creep across their faces when they hit the parts right.

You don't mess with Mavis, or Jeff Tweedy for that matter. See how he stares at the camera sometimes, kinda gives you a look? Be still, my hipster heart. That hair and plaid jacket are just killin' it.

I love seeing the best of today's folk, bluegrass and soul working together on classics like "The Weight." It shows respect for days gone by, and acknowledges greats who've gone before. I'm a big fan of covers of any kind - at least, I'm open to listening - for this reason. And I generally will respect artists more who can pull it off with a reinvention.